Club Resources

This is a page is place where we will add resources for Club members to better engage with our Programme and find insightful help in performing Club and Committee roles.

Recorded on 23 July 2020:

Being a Zoom Master at a Toastmasters meeting is important part of the role. This video will help any first time Zoom Master get a good handle on how to set upo the meeting and manage the online meeting. We have also produced a checklist which will be helpful to the Zoom Master to prepare and be successful on the day.

Zoom Master checklist

This training session recorded on 8th June 2022 covers the basics of running the Speaker's feedback and polls as implemented at Kent Speakers. This intended as a resource for anyone taking on the Zoom Master role at a Club Meeting.

During the session, a short overview was presented which serves as a good summary of the content.

Looking for a Speech evaluation form? Look no further than the single source of truth on Base Camp.

There is also a generic evaluation form which can be used for any speech.