Step 1: Select a learning Path.
This short video will help you select which learning path you want to work on.
Step 2: Logging in to Base Camp
Base Camp is where everything happens, where you can access your projects, monitor your progress and more!
Step 3: Accessing your learning Path
Once you have successfully logged into Base Camp, you need to be able to access your learning Path, this short tutorial will point you in the right direction.
Step 4: Launching a Project
Your learning Path is made up of 5 Levels of increasing depth and each level is made up of projects. This tutorial will help you launch a project.
Step 5: Navigating Your Projects
Now that you have launched your Project, it is time to get familiar with the navigation options.
Step 6: Marking Your Projects Complete
Once you launched your project, completed the assessment, learnt new skills and delivered a speech, it is time to complete the project. Find out how in this short tutorial.
Step 7: Completing a Level
Once you complete all project in a Level, you are ready to request the Base Camp Manager to approve the Level completion. Find out how in this short tutorial.
Want to know more?
This short tutorial will take you on a tour of Base Camp and how to search and browse for more content.
There is always more! This is a playlist of all BaseCamp Tutorials.