New Member Orientation
As a new member, finding resources and information can be a daunting task. Here, we hope that you will find bite size information to guide you along the way to becoming a thriving member. As a new member of the Club, we want to give you the best start and will be looking to assign a mentor to help you get up to speed with our Club.
First, let's talk education. The Toastmasters education programme is called Pathways. There are plenty of resources available online, for instance on the Toastmasters International website.
The Toastmasters educational programme is vast and is currently made up of 11 learning paths that will allow you to work on a variety of competencies and skills. You can find a summary of all the learning paths and core competencies here.
Every member starts with an Ice Breaker speech, you can sample it here before we delve into how you can access all the educational resources. If you would like to jump start your journey, take a look at the the Fundamentals of Public Speaking.
Upon joining our Club, you will be given the opportunity to work with a mentor.
Beyond delivering speeches, members will also perform a variety of meeting roles to create the supportive environment we provide.
Ready to jump right in? Below are additional resources you will find helpful to get on the journey ...
Easyspeak - This is the system we use to manage meeting, request speeches etc ...
Basecamp - This is the system we use to learn and record progress
If you want to learn more, we also run a weekly Fireside Chats at 7:30pm (London time) on Fridays to ask questions about the Club, or simply get to know one an other.